Why the UN Can't Solve the World's Problems Footnote: "The problem is not that the major world powers don't care.
They care too much - about their own needs."

November 1814 to June 1815 Congress of Vienna.
objective of the Congress is to provide a long-term peace plan for Europe by
settling critical issues arising from the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic
Covenant of the League
of Nations concept is born.
John D. Rockefeller
Jr donates $8.5 million to purchase land for the UN. "We the peoples of the United Nations
determined to save
succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime
has brought untold sorrow to
mankind, and to reaffirm faith in
fundamental human rights, in
the dignity and worth of the human person, in the
equal rights of
men and women and of nations large and small, and to
establish conditions under which justice
and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and
other sources of international law can be
maintained, and to promote
social progress and better
standards of life in larger freedom, and for these ends
to practice tolerance
and live together in peace with
one another as good neighbors, and to unite our strength to maintain
international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of
principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used,
save in the common interest, and to employ
international machinery for
the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples, have
resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims
October 24, 1945 The Charter of
the United Nations is ratified by the original five permanent members of the
Security Council: the Republic of China (after 1949, located in Taiwan,
replaced by the People's Republic of China), the Provisional Government of the
French Republic (later replaced by the Fourth Republic and then the Fifth
Republic), the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (later replaced by the
Russian Federation), the United Kingdom, and the United States and a majority
of the other signatories.
When the US Senate ratifies the UN Charter, it
effectively relinquished its authority to declare war - an authority that has
not been invoked since.

"The most used
germ bomb was a 500-pounder.
Each had several compartments to hold
different kinds of germs. " - US pilot shot down over North Korea
M33 Brucella cluster
bomb |
June 25, 1950 "The Soviet Union could have prevented
the UN action in Korea simply by
exercising veto power as a member of the Security Council.
After all,
Kim Il-sung was their puppet.
However, on the day of the Korea vote,
the Soviet delegation was absent.
staged a walkout over
the failure of the UN to seat Red
UN Secretary General Trygve Lie expressly invited Jacob
Malik, Soviet Ambassador to the UN, to attend the Korea vote, but he
Establishment historians refer to this as a "Soviet blunder."
But politicians
rarely blunder." - James Perloff
US begins a furious bombing
campaign dropping hundreds of thousands of tons of ordnance, much of it napalm,
on North Korea.
1952 North Korea and China allege
the US is using biological or germ warfare weapons against both North Korea and
Captured US pilots tell their captors about the use of
Returned to US custody,
counterintelligence experts interrogate.
Under threat of court
martial they were commanded to renounce their confessions about germ warfare.
They all did so.
International Scientific Commission produces the
"Report of International Scientific Commission for the
Investigation of the Facts Concerning Bacterial Warfare in Korea and
China," which corroborates Chinese and North Korean claims the
US has used biological
weapons in an experimental fashion on civilian populations.
The UK official report on US biowarfare in North
1952 Adlai Stevenson pens Korea
in Perspective the lead article for the April edition of Foreign Affairs.
burden of my argument, then, based on the
meaning of our experience in Korea as I see it, is that we have made historic
progress toward the establishment of a viable system of
collective security." - Adlai
During the Korean
War, 90% of the UN forces are American.
15 other nations send token
contribution of troops.
Tens of thousands of America soldiers die under
the UN flag.
The Korean War is not about victory on either
It is about validating the UN as the designated "peacekeeper."
1953 The 38th parallel division between
North and South Korea is restored to approximately
the dividing line between the Soviet sphere of influence and the American
"In carrying out the instructions of my government, I gained the
unenviable distinction of being the first United States Army commander in
history to sign an armistice without victory." - General Mark
The Belgian Congo achieved
independence on 30 June under the name Democratic Republic of the
Conflict arises over the administration of the territory
which became known as the Congo Crisis.
The provinces of Katanga,
under Moïse Tshombe, and South Kasai attempted to secede from the
Lumumba turns to the
Soviet Union for help which sets off
panic in London and Washington fearing the Soviets will get a foothold in
Eisenhower holds a National
Security Council meeting in the
White House.
one point he turns Allen Welsh Dulles and uses the word "eliminated" in terms
of what he wanted done with Patrice
1961 UN Secretary-General Dag
Hammarskjold is assassinated in the Congo in a plane crash. A UN investigation
in 2015 finds his death to be a political assassination.
Playing a
crucial role in this investigation were documents (ten letters by a South
African intelligence agency) unearthed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in the
Truth and Reconciliation Commission in the late 1990s.
The name of Allen
Welsh Dulles is directly linked with the plane crash.
George Ivan
Smith claims Dag Hammarskjold was planning to make a historic announcement to
the General Assembly when he returned from the Congo.
At the time the
New Guinea sovereignty dispute raged.
It is speculated by Greg
Poulgrain that Dag Hammarskjold was going to deny both Dutch and Indonesian claims to sovereignty and instead
grant the Papuan people independence.
Vast gold and copper deposits are
found in the mountains of West New Guinea (West Papua).
Resource Wealth
West Papua: A history of exploitation
Role of Multinational Oil and Mining Companies in the
John F. Kennedy favored intervention by
the UN because it meant he would not have to choose between
Indonesia (whom he needed as a
Cold War ally in
Southeast Asia) and the Netherlands (who were
NATO allies).
"Dag Hammarskjöld was
on the point of getting something done when they killed him. Notice that I said
'When they killed him'." - Harry
Truman, September 20, 1961
JFK, Dulles and Hammarskjold
CIA Involvement in the Assassinations of JFK and Dag

April 6,
The Holy
See holds sovereignty over the state of Vatican City and maintains
diplomatic relations with 180 other states becomes an observer state.
Holy See gains rights of full membership (except voting) July 1,
1965 UN General Assembly adopts Res. 2131:
"Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic
Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty."
It calls armed intervention, subversion, and all forms of indirect
intervention synonymous with aggression and, for the first time, recognized
"the legitimacy of struggle by
the people under
colonial rules (including occupation) to exercise their rights to
self-determination and independence."
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe to established a
mechanism for minimizing political and military tensions between East and
1975 US Senate investigated the
assassination of Patrice Lumumba and finds Allen Welsh Dulles was directly
involved in instigating the assassination.
Soviet troops in Afghanistan and the Soviet deployment of SS-20 Saber ballistic
missiles in Europe lead to the suspension of détente.
1982 Spain joins the NATO.
NATO members suffer internal discord.
1987 United
States and the Soviet Union sign Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, eliminating
all nuclear and ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with intermediate
August 19, 1989 Iron Curtain opens
between Austria and Hungary at the Pan-European Picnic.
November 9, 1989 Berlin Wall falls.
1992 Srebrenica is a small silver mining town in eastern
Bosnia about fifteen kilometers from the Serbian border.
Srpska (Serb Republic), created by referendum on the basis of ethnic
segregation of the Serb Autonomous Regions, declares independence.
Bosniak, an ethnic group native to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro
and Serbia, are in the way of ethnic segregration.
The Bosniak are
nominally Muslim while the Serbs are nominally Christian.
By the end of
the year the Vojska Republike Srpske (Army of Republika Srpska or VRS) occupies
seventy percent of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
296 villages have been
destroyed by VRS.
1993 The Bosniak along with the
Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ARBiH) flee to Srebrenica
swelling the population to 40,000.
Bosnian Serb (VRS) forces besiege the
February 18 Megatons to Megawatts Program signed.
April 18 First group of United Nations Protection Force
(UNPROFOR) troops arrive in Srebrenica.
In the UNPROFOR chain of
command, Dutchbat, a lightly-armed Dutch battalion is expected to operate as an
independent unit with its own logistics.
The ARBiH is never
Bosniaks begin conducting a series of raids against outlying
Serb villages to seize food, weapons,
ammunition and military
Oric's Bosniak ARBiH destroy 50 villages, killing a 1,000
1994 Bosnian Serb forces are outnumbered
and overextended countrywide.
In a hostage crisis UN personnel are
seized and used as human shields to prevent NATO airstrikes.
destroys the credibility of UN deterrence in Bihac and Sarajevo.
is home to the largest population of Muslims of any predominantly Christian
country on earth.
Concentrated in the Caucasus (Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan,
Circassia, Bashkiria, etc.), Islam's centuries-old settlements and communities
crawl north along both sides of the Volga to Tatarstan, and west to
Russia Defense Minister Pavel Grachev warns Boris Yeltsin
if Chechnya breaks free, there will be
a domino effect in neighboring
Muslim areas.
"We gave you uranium; you repaid us by bombing
Belgrade." - Putin
June 1995 Ratko Mladic
launches an attack on Srebrenica.
With 100 members Greek Volunteer
Guard, 250 members of the Serb Volunteer Guard and 2,500 reinforcements the
Bosnian Serbs muster 4,000 men for the offensives against Srebrenica and
It is estimated 2,000 VRS take part in the thrust to capture
The Bosniak, not as well-armed, have 4,000 men in town,
about 40% armed.
1,500 are ARBiH, 1,500 are conscripts and 570
July 6 VRS attacks a series of Dutch
observation posts at the southern edge of the Srebrenica
Remaining Bosniak of Srebrenica offer little
100 Dutch soldiers are taken hostage by the
Dutch request NATO bomb Serb positions but request is
9,000 Bosniak are attacked by VRS artillery, armor and small
arms fire.
The few who survive recount
panic stricken men committing suicide,
killing each other, or drowning while attempting to
cross the Jadar river.
Bosniak surrend to VRS equipped with confiscated UN vehicles, helmets and
uniforms never to be seen again.
July 12 Buses
arriving to take Bosniak women and children to Bosniak-held
Dutch troops help VRS separate men from the ages of 15 to
Some men are beaten or killed on the spot, some women are
7000 Bosniaks seeking shelter on the Dutchbat base at Potocari
are handed over to the VRS.
July 16 Driven to the
Branjevo Military Farm groups of 10 men are lined up and shot.
1,000 and 1,200 men are killed at this
execution site this
UN peacekeeping forces are unable to keep peace or prevent
2003 UN suffers another critical blow
to its legitimacy when the US invades Iraq without Security Council
authorization or evidence that the US acted in self-defense under Article 51 of
the UN Charter.
2009 UN peacekeepers begin
supporting military operations conducted by the Congolese armed forces (FARDC)
against the Rwandan rebels of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of
Rwanda (FDLR) in North and South Kivu.
November 29, 2012 Palestine is granted the status of
non-member observer state.
There are a total of 4 independent nation
states not currently full members of the UN: Taiwan (left the UN when the
Republic of China got its seat); The Holy See; Kosovo;
following dependencies have no rights under the UN Charter:
Samoa (US) Anguilla (GB) Aruba (NL) Bermuda (GB) Bouvet Island (NO) British
Indian Ocean Territory (GB) British Virgin Islands (GB) Cayman Islands (GB)
Christmas Island (AU) Cocos Islands (AU) Cook Islands (NZ) Coral Sea Islands
Territory (AU) Falkland Islands (GB) Faroe Islands (DK) French Guiana (FR)
French Polynesia (FR) French Southern Lands (FR) Gibraltar (GB) Greenland (DK)
Guadeloupe (FR) Guam (US) Guernsey (GB) Heard and McDonald Islands (AU) Hong
Kong (CN) Isle of Man (GB) Jan Mayen (NO) Jersey (GB) Macau (CN) Martinique
(FR) Mayotte (FR) Montserrat (GB) Navassa (US) Netherlands Antilles (NL) New
Caledonia (FR) Niue (NZ) Norfolk Island (AU) Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Pitcairn Island (GB) Puerto Rico (US) Reunion (FR) Saint Helena (GB)
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (FR) South Georgia (GB) Svalbard (NO) Tokelau (NZ)
Türks and Caicos Islands (GB) US Minor Pacific Islands (US) US Virgin
Islands (US) Wallis and Futuna (FR)
2013 UN
Security Council creates the Force Intervention Brigade (FIB), a unit
within the peacekeeping mission authorized to use offensive force to
"neutralize" armed groups in the Congo.
Force Intervention Brigade military operations have provoked deadly
attacks on UN peacekeepers and escalated violence in the country to its highest
levels in a decade.
FIB has assisted Congolese troops against the
Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) with air reconnaissance,
surveillance drones, aerial
bombardment and support for ground operations.
Governments in a fragile
position like this must focus less on neutralizing hydra-headed rebellions and
more on co-opting groups to divide rivals.
UN Group of Experts on the
Democratic Republic of the Congo found FARDC stocks continued to represent
the main source of supply of weapons and ammunition for armed groups.
Smuggling activities in the
tantalum and tungsten sector
continued to represent an obstacle.
NATO use of depleted
uranium in bombing Yugoslavia was ecocide

"I would
like for the US to have a 're-set' with the whole world, so that the 're-set'
was general, so that we could gather together and reconfirm our commitment to
the UN Charter, to the principles embodied in it, including non-interference in
internal affairs, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity and the
right of peoples to self-determination, the right of
peoples to choose their own future without interference from outside."- Sergey
Lavrov |

This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational purposes only.

This website defines a new
perspective with which to engage reality to which its author adheres. The
author feels that the falsification of reality outside personal experience has
forged a populace unable to discern propaganda from reality
and that this has been done purposefully by an international corporate cartel
through their agents who wish to foist a corrupt version of reality on the
human race. Religious intolerance occurs when any group refuses to tolerate
religious practices, religious beliefs or persons due to their philosophical
ideology. This web site marks the founding of a system of philosophy named The
Truth of the Way of the Lumière Infinie - a rational gnostic mystery
religion based on reason which requires no leap of faith, accepts no tithes,
has no supreme leader, no church buildings and in which each and every
individual is encouraged to develop a personal relation with the Creator and
Sustainer through the pursuit of the knowledge of reality in the hope of curing
the spiritual corruption that has enveloped the human spirit. The tenets of The
Truth of the Way of the Lumière Infinie are spelled out in detail on
this web site by the author. Violent acts against individuals due to their
religious beliefs in America is considered a "hate crime."
This web site
in no way condones violence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the
violence that is already occurring due to the international corporate cartels
desire to control the human race. The international corporate cartel already
controls the world economic system, corporate media worldwide, the global
industrial military entertainment complex and is responsible for the collapse
of morals, the elevation of self-centered behavior and the destruction of
global ecosystems. Civilization is based on coöperation. Coöperation
does not occur at the point of a
American social mores and values have declined precipitously
over the last century as the corrupt international cartel has garnered more and
more power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the populace in general
through corporate media by pressing emotional buttons which have been
preprogrammed into the population through prior corporate media psychological
operations. The results have been the destruction of the family and the
destruction of social structures that do not adhere to the corrupt
international elites vision of a perfect world. Through distraction and
coercion the direction of thought of the bulk of the population has been
directed toward solutions proposed by the corrupt international elite that
further consolidates their power and which further their purposes.
views and opinions presented on this web site are the views and opinions of
individual human men and women that, through their writings, showed the
capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational, insightful and unpopular
thought. All factual information presented on this web site is believed to be
true and accurate and is presented as originally presented in print media which
may or may not have originally presented the facts truthfully.
Opinion and thoughts
have been adapted, edited, corrected, redacted, combined, added to, re-edited
and re-corrected as nearly all opinion and thought has been throughout time but
has been done so in the spirit of the original writer with the intent of making
his or her thoughts and opinions clearer and relevant to the reader in the
present time.
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